The Eye of the Storm...

I'm sitting at my desk, my Sudanese jalabeeya sticking to my skin in the Perth heat.

The voice of Meg Mac streams out of my speakers and soothes my soul. 

Hey y'all.  I'm in the Eye of the Storm.

These are the last few hours before 'Yassmin's Story' hits the world, for real.  It's a project I've been working on for months, and is truly a work of love, blood, sweat and tears.  It wouldn't have been possible if not for so many people who believed in me, believed in the idea, believed in the story. Clare, Meredith, Lex in particular - thank you, from the bottom of my heart.  

I don't know how to feel. I am in this transition space, and just felt an urge to write, to somehow make sense of this moment, so here we are. Perhaps I will look back in a few hours, a few days or even years and laugh at my naivety, at my incomprehension of what is happening around me, but for so long this has just been my little project, something I've talked about and worked on but never really believed would happen... 

Now it has.

I am overwhelmed, unsure, excited, apprehensive and cautious.  I am wary of details of my life becoming public, while at the same time knowing I have consciously chosen to do so in order for change to occur, inshallah. I am hopeful that the stories will inspire, influence, impact... or at least just make people laugh.

You know what? At the end of the day, this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I can't comprehend it yet, but the one thing that I do truly believe is that if it somehow impacts the life of even one person, then it is all worth it, inshallah.

May Allah's peace and blessings be upon us all, inshallah.

Everything - is - gonna - be - alright.

Lots of love, and see you on tour!!!